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Rituximab in late‐onset myasthenia gravis is safe and effective

Muscle & Nerve Apr 06, 2020

Sahai SK, et al. - Given that late‐onset myasthenia gravis (LOMG; onset >50 years) has different therapeutic decision‐making challenges than MG in younger patients, researchers conducted this retrospective series to test the safety and effectiveness of rituximab in LOMG. The study sample consisted of seven patients with acetylcholine receptor antibody‐positive MG, treated with rituximab. Data reported that the mean onset age was 66 years. All participants in the study were treated with at least one dose of rituximab. The presence of multiple comorbidities in older patients and the risks of other immunotherapy makes rituximab an appealing choice. There were no significant adverse events. This age group needs more information to understand the use of rituximab for patients.

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