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Risks and complications after arthroplasty for pathological or impending pathological fracture of the hip

Journal of Arthroplasty Feb 11, 2021

Boddapati V, Held MB, Levitsky M, et al. - This study was attempted to distinguish short-term rates of morbidity and mortality after Hemi- (HA) or total hip arthroplasty (THA) for pathological proximal femur fractures, as well as readmission and reoperation rates and reasons. A large, prospectively-collected registry was applied to distinguish patients who underwent HA/THA between 2011-8. Individuals were categorized by indication for surgery, including pathological fracture, non-pathological fracture, and osteoarthritis. Bivariate and/or multivariate analyses were applied to compare baseline patient characteristics and postoperative complications. Researchers distinguished a total of 883 patients undergoing HA/THA for a pathological fracture. Individuals undergoing hip arthroplasty for pathologic proximal femur fracture have elevated morbidity and mortality relative to an osteoarthritis cohort. Nevertheless, when compared with a non-pathological fracture cohort, patients with a pathological fracture have similar rates of morbidity and mortality but did experience higher rates of perioperative blood transfusion and unplanned readmissions.

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