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Risk scores for type 2 diabetes mellitus in Latin America: A systematic review of population-based studies

Diabetic Medicine Aug 30, 2019

Carrillo-Larco RM, et al. - In this systematic review, researchers summed up the evidence on diabetes risk scores for Latin American populations. Databases searched for this investigation were LILACS, Scopus, MEDLINE, Embase and Global Health. Using the PROBAST guidelines, bias risk was evaluated. Of the 1,500 identified reports, 11 have been studied in detail and five have been included in the qualitative analysis. Age, waist circumference and family history of diabetes were the most common predictors. Findings revealed that there is no evidence supporting the use of one risk score across Latin America. Developing, validating and implementing risk scores in Latin America should be a concern for studies and public health to enhance screening and prevention of T2DM. Sensitivity has always been superior to specificity.
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