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Risk-reducing oophorectomy and breast cancer risk across the spectrum of familial risk

Journal of the National Cancer Institute Mar 15, 2019

Terry MB, et al. - Using a prospective cohort, researchers examined the link between risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy (RRSO) and breast cancer risk. The participants were 17,917 women without breast cancer at baseline (7.2% known carriers of BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations), followed for a median duration of 10.7 years, during which diagnosis of incident breast cancer was made in 1,046 women. As a time-varying exposure RRSO was modeled, and findings revealed no link with breast cancer risk overall or by tertiles of predicted absolute risk on the basis of family history or for BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers when assessed separately. When hormone therapy use following RRSO was taken into account, no link was found. No effectiveness for RRSO for attenuating breast cancer risk was evident.

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