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Risk of severe maternal morbidity by maternal fertility status: A US study in eight states

American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Oct 18, 2018

Luke B, et al. - Researchers assessed the risk of severe maternal morbidity by maternal fertility status, and for in vitro fertilization (IVF) pregnancies, by oocyte source and embryo state combinations. They linked women in eight states who underwent IVF cycles resulting in a live birth during 2004-13 to their infant’s birth certificates. In total, they analyzed 1,477,522 pregnancies (1,346,118 fertile, 11,298 subfertile, 80,254 IVF autologous-fresh, 21,964 IVF autologous-thawed, 13,218 IVF donor-fresh and 4,670 IVF donor-thawed pregnancies). Outcomes revealed increased risks of severe maternal morbidity for subfertile and IVF births, mainly in pregnancies that are not from autologous, fresh cycles.

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