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Risk of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment in acute retinal necrosis with and without prophylactic intervention

American Journal of Ophthalmology Jun 09, 2019

Risseeuw S, et al. - Researchers aimed to assess if the risk of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) in patients with acute retinal necrosis (ARN) could be reduced using preventive laser or preventive vitrectomy. In this retrospective, interventional case-series of 59 patients (63 eyes) with ARN, they analyzed different groups with either no prophylaxis, prophylactic laser, or prophylactic vitrectomy. RRD had an overall incidence of 44.4%, including 13% at presentation. As per the crude analysis, 33 patients with prophylactic laser (45.5%) displayed the highest risk of RRD, 15 patients with no prophylaxis (26.7%) displayed lower risk, and 7 patients with prophylactic vitrectomy (14.3%) had the lowest risk. These findings revealed no reduction in the risk of RRD by prophylactic laser in eyes with ARN. Therefore, they suggest abandoning prophylactic laser.
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