Risk of percutaneous renal biopsy of native kidneys in the evaluation of acute kidney injury
Clinical Kidney Journal Jul 07, 2018
Korbet SM, et al. - Given the advocation of percutaneous renal biopsy (PRB) of native kidneys (NKs) to better understand and treat acute kidney injury (AKI), researchers sought for the associated risk of complications. A retrospective study of PRB of NKs in 955 adults from 1991 to 2015 at an academic medical center with real-time ultrasound and automated biopsy needles was performed. Patients biopsied for AKI displayed significantly greater complications post-PRB and required more blood transfusions. Increased serum creatinine (SCr) and decreased Hgb level, as well as female gender and increased systolic blood pressure, were the baseline features predictive of a complication.
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