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Risk of nephrotic syndrome for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug users

Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Aug 21, 2019

Bakhriansyah M, et al. - In this matched case-control study, researchers examined the link between NSAID (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug) use and the risk of nephrotic syndrome, using the UK primary care database. Patients with a first diagnosis of nephrotic syndrome were defined as cases. Patients without nephrotic syndrome were considered as controls. Based on cyclooxygenase enzyme selectivity and chemical groups, they categorized NSAID exposure as either current (use at the nephrotic syndrome diagnosis date and corresponding date in the control group), recent, or past use. Findings revealed that the use of conventional NSAIDs was related to a higher risk of nephrotic syndrome starting from at least 2 weeks of exposure, as well as for recent and past exposure up to 2 years prior to the diagnosis of nephrotic syndrome. Mainly acetic acid and propionic acid derivatives seemed to be responsible for this higher risk.
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