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Risk of myocardial infarction and ischemic stroke after dental treatments

Journal of Dental Research Oct 31, 2018

Chen TT, et al. - Researchers investigated the association of invasive dental treatments (IDTs) with myocardial infarction (MI) and ischemic stroke (IS) by using case-only study designs to analyze data from a large Taiwanese cohort. They conducted this nationwide population-based study by using the case-crossover and self-controlled case series design to analyze data from the Taiwanese National Health Care Claim database. IDTs were not found to be associated with IS, or the risk ratio was close to unity. In the Taiwanese population, a transient risk of MI and IS was not associated with IDTs, with consistent findings from both case-only study designs. Nonetheless, the probability of dental infections and diseases to yield a long-term risk of MI and IS could not be excluded.

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