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Risk of ESKD in older live kidney donors with hypertension

Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Jul 03, 2019

Al Ammary F, et al. - Researchers quantified the risk of ESKD and death over 15 years in older donors (≥50 years old) with hypertension, compared to those without hypertension. ESKD development and mortality were determined by linking a United States cohort of 24,533 older donors from 1999 to 2016, comprising 2265 with predonation hypertension, to Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services data and the Social Security Death Master File. Among older donors, whites, blacks, Hispanics and Asians were 82%, 6%, 7%, and 3%, respectively. Participants were followed-up for a median duration of 7.1 years. Throughout the study duration, 24 ESKD and 252 death events were reported. For 15 years postdonation, a higher risk of ESKD but not mortality was reported among older donors with hypertension vs older donors without hypertension. However, the estimated absolute risk of ESKD was small.
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