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Risk of coronary artery disease according to glucose abnormality status and prior coronary artery disease in Japanese men

Metabolism Nov 04, 2019

Kitazawa M, Fujihara K, Osawa T, et al. - Via examining data from a nationwide claims database, researchers analyzed coronary artery disease risk according to glucose abnormality status (GAS) and prior coronary artery disease (CAD) in Japanese men. The study sample consisted of 138,162 men aged 18 to 72 years. Participants in the study were classified as having normoglycemia, borderline glycemia, or diabetes mellitus (DM) with prior CAD (CAD+) or without prior CAD (CAD−). Data reported that prior CAD and DM confer 5- to 8-fold and 2.8-fold subsequent CAD risks, respectively. According to findings, the control status of traditional risk factors and their impact on subsequent CAD varies between glycemic status categories with and without prior CAD. In view of risk factors such as GAS and CAD+, it is necessary to individualize treatment strategies.
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