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Risk of CIN2 or more severe lesions after negative HPV-mRNA E6/E7 overexpression assay and after negative HPV-DNA test: Concurrent cohorts with a 5-year follow up

International Journal of Cancer Oct 13, 2019

Zorzi M, Del Mistro A, Rossi PG, et al. - Through a cohort of Human Papillomavirus (HPV)-negative women tested with the Aptima HPV mRNA Assay (“HPV-mRNA cohort”) vs a cohort of HPV-negatives tested with the Hybrid Capture 2 DNA test residing in neighboring areas, experts contrasted the 5-year risk of CIN2+ / CIN3+ and the performance parameters at 3-year re-screening of a negative E6/E7 mRNA-HPV test with those of a HPV-DNA negative test. Nearly 22,338 HPV-mRNA and 68,695 HPV-DNA negative women were requested to undergo 3-year re-screening. Risk of invasive cervical carcinoma and of CIN2+ was presented by a negative HPV-mRNA test at five years, which was equivalent to that of a negative HPV-DNA test.
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