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Risk for hip fracture before and after total knee replacement in Sweden

Osteoporosis International Dec 18, 2019

Vala CH, Kärrholm J, Kanis JA, et al. - In this study of the total Swedish population born between 1902 and 1952 (n = 4,258,934) during the period 1987–2002 and all individuals with TKR because of primary OA (n = 39,291), and all people with hip fracture (n = 195,860) in the Swedish National Inpatient Register, experts assessed the risk of hip fracture prior to and following TKR, risk of various hip fracture types, and risk subdivided into genders and age groups. Individuals had A low risk for hip fracture prior to TKR was noted, however, an improved risk the first year following TKR was also seen. The risk in people below age 75 years and for trochanteric fractures was raised following TKR. Moreover, altered knee kinematics following a TKR, physical activity level, fall risk, and other unknown factors were potential interpretations involved.
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