Risk factors of unintended return to the operating room in adult spinal deformity
Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research Apr 11, 2021
Chan L, Li Y, Hai Y, et al. - This study was carried out to assess the incidence and risk factors correlated with unintended return to the operating room in adult spinal deformity after spinal deformity corrective surgery. Researchers enrolled a total of 141 adult spinal deformity patients in a single institution between January 2017 and December 2019. During hospitalization, the rate of unintended return to the operating room (UIROR) was analyzed, and the risk factors of unintended return to the operating room were evaluated via multivariate analysis. In adult spinal deformity patients, postoperative neurologic deficit and short-term implant malposition are essential causes of unintended return to the operating room. The findings revealed that preoperative factors such as higher AVR (> grade II), obesity, and previous neurological symptom may significantly increase the risk of morbidity in UIROR. The data considered that spine surgeons should be alert to these risk factors and need adequate preoperative evaluations to decrease the incidence of unintended return to the operating room.
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