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Risk factors of parenteral nutrition‐associated cholestasis in very‐low‐birthweight infants

Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health Apr 07, 2020

Wang N, Yan W, Hong L, et al. - In a retrospective dual‐centre study, researchers analyzed risk factors correlated with parenteral nutrition‐associated cholestasis (PNAC) in very‐low‐birthweight (VLBW) infants. VLBW infants receiving parenteral nutrition (PN) for at least 14 days were recruited and divided chronologically into two groups: group A (2000–2007) and group B (2008–2015). The incidence of PNAC and related factors have been examined. In total, 387 VLBW infants (53 in group A and 334 in group B) were recruited. Data reported that the total incidence of PNAC was 6.7%, 9.4% in group A and 6.3% in group B. In group B, the dosage of amino acid, glucose, PN calories and the glucose/fat ratio were significantly higher than in group A. According to subgroup analysis, gestational age and duration of PN were significantly different between the PNAC and non‐PNAC groups. For VLBW infants, prolonged duration of PN (≥ 43 days) is a risk factor for PNAC development. In infants of VLBW, PNAC may be prevented by weaning of PN as soon as possible.

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