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Risk factors leading to trabeculectomy surgery of glaucoma patient using Japanese nationwide administrative claims data: A retrospective non-interventional cohort study

BMC Ophthalmology Apr 02, 2021

Shirai C, Tsuda S, Tarasawa K, et al. - Using the Japanese nationwide administrative claims data associated with the diagnosis procedure combination (DPC) system, researchers clarified the risk factors leading to trabeculectomy surgery, which is the most common procedure of glaucoma surgery, of a glaucoma patient. Data were obtained from patients who were admitted to DPC participating hospitals, nationwide acute care hospitals and were diagnosed with glaucoma between 2012 to 2018. In total, 29,599 patients involved in the analysis, 12,038 and 17,561 patients were in the glaucoma surgery and non-glaucoma surgery cohorts, respectively. According to this retrospective, non-interventional cohort study, it appears that a particular emphasis on Japanese glaucoma patients with allergy-related comorbidities or who are taking immune, nervous, circulatory, or gastrointestinal system-related concomitant drugs is desirable.

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