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Risk factors for subsidence of modular fluted tapered stems utilized during revision total hip arthroplasties for periprosthetic hip fractures

Journal of Arthroplasty May 17, 2018

Parry JA, et al. - Researchers reviewed Vancouver B2 and B3 periprosthetic hip fractures treated with uncemented modular fluted tapered stems to assess the survivorship, risk factors for stem subsidence, and clinical outcome. When utilized for the treatment of Vancouver B2 and B3 periprosthetic femur fractures, experts noted excellent survivorship free of reoperation and implant revision with modular fluted tapered stems. Findings suggested a correlation of poor bone morphology and the use of strut grafts, both proxies for compromised bone stock and distal fracture patterns with stem subsidence. As per data, a worse clinical outcome was not portended by all subsided stems stabilized and noted subsidence.
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