Risk factors for skin tearing in collagenase treatment of Dupuytren contractures
The Journal of Hand Surgery Aug 19, 2019
Zhang D, et al. - A total of 368 digits in 261 patients who underwent a total of 469 Clostridium histolyticum (CCH) treatments at a tertiary care referral center from April 2010 to December 2013 were recognized by the experts in order to ascertain factors correlated with skin tearing at the time of manipulation in patients who underwent CCH treatment for Dupuytren contractures. With CCH treatment, the overall rate of skin tearing was 12%. Elderly age and amount of contracture correction were exhibited to be correlated with skin tearing at manipulation. Hence, a 10-year rise in age led to a 1.5 times rise in the odds of skin tearing. A 30° progress in contracture correction led to a 1.8 times rise in the odds of skin tearing. Patients could be counseled former to CCH treatment that elderly age and raised contracture relationships were risk factors for this prevalent complication.
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