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Risk factors for severe outcomes in patients with systemic vasculitis and COVID-19: A binational, registry-based cohort study

Arthritis & Rheumatology Aug 02, 2021

Rutherford MA, Scott J, Karabayas M, et al. - Researchers sought to identify risk factors for severe COVID-19 outcomes in patients with systemic vasculitis, including the impact of immunosuppressive therapies because these patients have an increased risk of serious infections and may be at risk of severe outcomes following COVID-19. Through the participation of centers affiliated with national UK and Ireland vasculitis registries, a multicenter cohort was formed. Logistic regression was used to assess connections between potential risk factors and a severe COVID-19 outcome, defined as a requirement for advanced oxygen therapy, a requirement for invasive ventilation, or death. The cohort involved 65 patients with systemic vasculitis who developed COVID-19 (median age 70 years, 49% women), of whom 25 patients (38%) having a severe outcome. Findings suggested no association of vasculitis disease activity and nonglucocorticoid immunosuppressive therapy with severe outcomes. In patients with systemic vasculitis, glucocorticoid use at presentation and comorbid respiratory disease were linked to severe outcomes in COVID-19. Such findings can help clinicians make clinical decisions about the risk of severe COVID-19 in this vulnerable patient population.

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