Risk factors for recurrent pelvic inflammatory disease
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology Nov 14, 2019
Safrai M, et al. - The risk factors for recurrence of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) were investigated via conducting case control study using data for all women who were admitted to a tertiary medical center for a recurrent PID over a duration of 15 years. Women with recurrent PID were compared with women admitted for PID treatment without further recurrence. Among 133 included women, 33 had recurrent PID. In the recurrent PID group, more frequently women reported previous pelvic surgery and had intrauterine devices still in place if they had been previously present. A combination of Ampicillin and Gentamycin was provided for treating the majority, Augmentin or a cephalosporin base regimen was provided in fewer cases. In addition, invasive treatment was performed more frequently in those who later had a recurrent PID. Independent association of antibiotic regimens and invasive treatment with recurrent PID was observed. These findings emphasize making efforts to achieve treatment success and optimal prevention to prevent recurrent PID.
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