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Risk factors for recurrence of periodontal disease in patients in maintenance care in a private practice

Journal of Clinical Periodontology Jul 13, 2019

Campanile VM, et al. - In this investigation involving 100 patients, researchers evaluated periodontal and dental conditions in people in maintenance care after periodontal therapy in private practice and identified risk factors for recurrence of disease and tooth loss. After the start of periodontal therapy, examinations took place 18.0 (±8.71) years. Data reported that the longer the time, the more frequent the visits to the recall, and the more was spent during the maintenance phase the greater was the reduction. If periodontal disease is treated and patients attend regular maintenance care, tooth loss and periodontal tissue damage can be contained over prolonged periods. Multivariate analysis rendered BMI and smoking as factors affecting the number of sites with PPD ≥4 mm and BOP.
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