Risk factors for primary arteriovenous fistula dysfunction in hemodialysis patients: A retrospective survival analysis in multiple medical centers
Blood Purification May 11, 2019
Wen M, et al. - Among hemodialysis (HD) patients (n=100), researchers identified the factors that impact the incidence of first arteriovenous fistula (AVF) failure. A Chinese population of idiopathic glomerular disease was targeted to avoid the secondary impact of other systemic diseases. Females and elderly patients had a higher incidence of AVF failure. Patients with higher levels of platelets (PLTs), severe anemia, and extended temporary catheter retention had markedly increased AVF dysfunction. These variables were corroborated as independent risk factors for first AVF dysfunction in further multivariate Cox regression analysis. The factors that were identified to be related to primary AVF dysfunction in HD patients were gender, ageing, PLT counting number, hemoglobin level, and retention time of temporary catheter.
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