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Risk factors for community-acquired acute kidney injury in medical patients: A nested case-control study

Blood Purification Apr 26, 2020

Cely JE, Mendoza EJ, Sprockel JJ, et al. - By conducting an unmatched nested case-control analysis from an earlier prospective cohort study, researchers assessed potential risk factors as well as hospital outcomes related to a community-acquired acute kidney injury (CA-AKI) in medical illnesses. This study involved adult patients who encountered acute illnesses and manged with internal medicine. Patients with a CA-AKI diagnosis upon hospital admission were included as cases, and patients from the same cohort without AKI occurrence during the first 5 days of hospitalisation were included as controls. Findings revealed a strong link of chronic kidney disease (CKD) with CA-AKI upon hospital admission in this patient sample. An enhanced risk of CA-AKI was observed in relation to older age in patients with CKD. Pre-hospital nephrotoxic drugs, acute bacterial infection, anaemia, low systolic blood pressure and hypovolaemia were identified as other risk factors.

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