Risk factors during pregnancy and birth-related complications in HIV-positive vs HIV-negative women in Denmark, 2002–2014
HIV Medicine Oct 17, 2019
Ørbæk M, Thorsteinsson K, Larsen EM, et al. - Women living with HIV (WLWH) were compared with women of the general population (WGP) in Denmark regarding the risk factors for adverse pregnancy outcomes. Further, the risk of pregnancy- or birth-related complications was determined among these women. In this retrospective cohort study, researchers included 2,334 pregnancies in 304 WLWH and 1,945 WGP. WLWH vs WGP had more risk factors during pregnancy: previous caesarean section (CS) (24.7% vs 16.3%, respectively), smoking (14.2% vs 7.5%, respectively) and previous perinatal/neonatal death (2.3% vs 0.9%, respectively). WLWH exhibited similar risks of most pregnancy- and birth-related complications but had a higher risk of postpartum hemorrhage and emergency CS when compared with WGP.
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