Risk factors associated with early stillbirth in women with chronic hypertension
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Jan 04, 2019
Rossi RM, et al. - Researchers performed a population-based retrospective cohort study of all stillbirths in the U.S. during the year of 2014, to quantify the cumulative proportion of stillbirths in women with chronic hypertension (CHTN) by gestational age (GA). Further, they sought risk factors associated with earlier stillbirth (<32 wks) in this population. Outcomes revealed the occurrence of stillbirth at an earlier GA among women with CHTN compared to those without. More than 50% of stillbirths attributed to maternal hypertensive disorders occurred before 27 wks and over 70% occurred before 32 wks. Early stillbirth among women with CHTN was noted to be associated with lagging fetal growth as evidenced by small for gestational age (SGA <10th%) birthweight, Black race, and primiparity. The majority of antepartum stillbirths among women with CHTN might not be prevented by current antepartum fetal surveillance (ANFS) guidelines.
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