Risk factors associated with early complications of revision surgery for head-neck taper corrosion in metal-on-polyethylene total hip arthroplasty
Journal of Arthroplasty Jun 15, 2018
Kwon YM, et al. - Researchers reported early complication rates and outcome of revision surgery for head-neck taper corrosion in patients with metal-on-polyethylene (MoP) total hip arthroplasty (THA). They also identified risk factors associated with complications of this surgery in patients with MoP THA. They observed a high rate of early complications (25%) and re-revisions (10%) after revision of adverse local tissue reactions (ALTR) associated with head-neck taper corrosion. The risk factors related to the occurrence of a complication after revision surgery were pre-revision MRI findings of the solid lesion(s) with abductor deficiency and intra-operative tissue damage. Clinically useful information regarding the clinical decision making and pre-operative counseling of MoP THA patients who are undergoing revision surgery for head-neck taper corrosion was provided in the findings.
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