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Risk factors associated with altered circulating microRNA-125b and their influences on uremic vascular calcification among patients with end-stage renal disease

Journal of the American Heart Association Jan 21, 2019

Chao CT, et al. - Researchers investigated risk factors associated with low serum microRNA-125b (miR-125b) levels as well as the impact of miR-125b on vascular calcification (VC) risk in 223 patients on chronic dialysis for ≥3 months (mean age, 67.3 years; mean years of dialysis, 5.2), given that miR-125b has been shown to regulate VC. Multivariate regression analyses were performed. High serum miR-125b levels were detected in 54 (24.2%) patients. They quantified serum miR-125b and chronic kidney disease–mineral bone disorder effectors, including intact parathyroid hormone, 25-OH-D, fibroblast growth factor-23, osteoprotegerin, and fetuin-A. They found linear associations of osteoprotegerin (P=0.013), fibroblast growth factor-23 (P=0.006), and fetuin-A (P=0.036) with serum miR-125b levels. Among patients receiving chronic dialysis, an increased accuracy of VC risk estimation was offered by serum osteoprotegerin levels ≥400 pg/mL and serum miR-125b levels together.

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