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Risk assessment and prediction of TD incidence in psychiatric patients taking concomitant antipsychotics: A retrospective data analysis

BMC Neurology Jul 26, 2019

Patterson-Lomba O, et al. - Among psychiatric patients taking antipsychotic medication, researchers assessed risk factors tardive dyskinesia (TD), a hyperkinetic, possibly irreversible movement disorder usually caused by prolonged antipsychotic exposure. They also wanted to create a model to predict TD incidence among patients taking antipsychotic medications. Participants in this retrospective cohort study were 151,280 patients with schizophrenia, major depressive disorder, or bipolar disorder. Increased risk of TD was significantly correlated with age, diagnosis of schizophrenia, dosage of antipsychotic medication (up to 100 mg/day of chlorpromazine equivalent), and comorbid bipolar and related disorders. History of extrapyramidal symptoms, other movement disorders and diabetes were included as other potential risk factors. The prediction model developed and validated herein can help doctors identify high-risk patients for TD to develop treatment and monitoring plans to help patients maintain their quality of life.

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