Ridge preservation after maxillary third molar extraction using 30% porosity PLGA/HA/β-TCP scaffolds with and without simvastatin: A pilot randomized controlled clinical trial
Implant Dentistry Jan 26, 2018
Oliveira MN, et al. - During this research, the healing of maxillary third molars postextraction sockets after application of different ridge preservation techniques 3 months after tooth extraction were clinically and radiographically examined. As per the outcomes, poly (D, L-lactide-co-glycolide) with hydroxyapatite/β-TCP (PLGA/HA/β-TCP) scaffolds, with and without simvastatin, did not yield expected results and displayed more complications. When compared to scaffolds without simvastatin, scaffolds with simvastatin were superior, with less clinical complications.
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