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Revisions for periprosthetic hip infections do not fail more than revisions for aseptic loosening, but mortality is higher

Journal of Arthroplasty Sep 26, 2020

Montalti M, Bordini B, Natali S, et al. - This study was intended to assess and compare survival rates, reasons for re-revisions, mortality rates between these two cohorts. An arthroplasty registry was applied to stratify revision hips according to the reasons for revision (aseptic loosening and PHIs). Researchers recorded pre-operative and intra-operative demographics and implant-related features. They assessed and compared survival rates, reasons for revision, and mortality rates. The results of this study indicate that aseptic and septic revisions achieved similar outcomes at long-terms, re-revisions tended to fail for the same reason for revision. In the septic cohort, the Mortality rate was significantly higher. These data are beneficial to modify and tune the pre-operative, intra-operative, and post-operative management of revisions.

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