Revision anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction restores knee laxity but shows inferior functional knee outcome compared with primary reconstruction
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy Jul 20, 2018
Cristiani R, et al. - Researchers assessed and compared knee laxity and functional knee outcome between primary and revision anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction in the cohort of patients who had primary and revision ACL. In the same cohort of patients, revision bone–patellar tendon–bone (BPTB) autograft ACL reconstruction (ACLR) after failed primary HT autograft ACLR restored the anterior knee laxity. Nonetheless, a significantly inferior functional knee outcome was demonstrated by revision ACLR vs primary ACLR. Results suggested the significance of highlighting and setting realistic expectations for patients undergoing revision ACLR. They must create an awareness in the patients regarding the fact that having revision ACLR, their knee function will not improve as much as with primary ACLR and the final postoperative functional outcome is inferior.
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