Reverse total shoulder arthroplasty and resting radiographic scapular rotation
Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Apr 18, 2019
Kahn TL, et al. - A total of 74 participants were analyzed in this retrospective radiographic study with the following purposes: to ascertain if reverse total shoulder arthroplasty (RTSA) modulated the resting scapular rotation, to determine the relationship between glenoid inclination with regard to the scapula (β angle) and resting scapular rotation, and also to examine the β angle threshold that would most likely lead to resting radiographic neutral or inferior baseplate tilt relative to the thorax. They found a scapular rotation change of 2° ± 12° (mean ± standard deviation) into the upward rotation. They noted no correlation between the β angle and scapular rotation. A postoperative β angle greater than 85° was observed in 71% of cases with a neutral or inferior baseplate tilt.
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