Return to work after carpal tunnel release surgery: A qualitative interview study
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders May 30, 2019
Newington L, et al. - Among patients with a recent carpal tunnel release surgery (CTR), researchers studied the return to work experiences via a qualitative study, by inquiring 14 participants including 11 women (median age 49 years, range 27–61) and 3 men (age range 51–68 years). All these subjects had recently undergone CTR and had returned to work. They found that the recommendations received by the patients had a huge impact on individual return to work decision-making. As per the perceptions of the participants, better preparation of patients during pre-operative period may be ensured by clinicians, particularly concerning function in the immediate post-operative period and by offering return to work guidance that could be tailored for individual work roles.
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