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Retrospective evaluation of factors related to the outcomes of regenerative therapy for implants affected by peri-implantitis

The International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry Mar 05, 2018

Froum SJ, et al. - Herein, in order to identify which patient and implant factors could have affected the outcomes of regenerative therapy for implants, the histories of 100 patients with 170 implants that were consecutively treated and reported in a previous study were examined. Authors noted that only postoperative maintenance showed a statistically significant effect on radiographic bone gain (RBG) on the patient level, compared to patients with > 3 months maintenance frequency. A trend toward soft tissue gain was noted in the nondiabetic patients. On an implant level, a statistically significant RBG was demonstrated by the screw-retained prostheses compared to those with cement-retained prostheses. while evaluating presurgical bone level loss significant favorable differences were noted in all the outcomes.
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