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Retrospective clinical evaluation of implant-supported single crowns: Mean follow-up of 15 years

Clinical Oral Implants Research May 15, 2019

Chrcanovic BR, et al. - Researchers retrospectively evaluated the clinical outcomes of all patients treated with implant-supported single crowns at one specialist clinic. Among 438 patients with 567 crowns, failure of 37 implants (6.5%) and 54 crowns (9.5%) was reported. Considering only technical problems, the crown failure rate reduced to 4.1% (23/567). Crown failure was most commonly related to the esthetic issue (n=12), crown constantly mobile (n=9), change to another type of prosthesis together with other implants (n=8), crown fracture (n=7), crown in infraposition in comparison to adjacent teeth (n=7). They noted statistically significant higher odds of crown failure for the following factors: younger patients, maxillary crowns, and screw-retained crowns. Compared to cemented crowns, screw-retained crowns showed a much higher prevalence of loose prosthetic screw. Screw-retained crowns, maxillae, females had a higher prevalence of ceramic fracture/chipping. They observed a higher prevalence of crown fracture in ceramic crowns, screw-retained crowns, maxillae, posterior region, females. However, only for crown fractures in females, these differences were statistically significant.
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