Retrospective analysis of 514 cases of tibial plateau fractures based on morphology and injury mechanism
Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research Aug 28, 2019
Kehan H, et al. - Five hundred and fourteen cases of tibial plateau fractures were recruited and x-rays and CT scans were investigated by the researchers in order to reclassify tibial plateau fractures on the basis of injury mechanism and morphological features. Tibial plateau fractures could be classified into the six types ie, lateral condylar fractures (while knee extending in valgus position, axial force applied); fracture-dislocation (multiple forces particularly rotational stress while knee extending); simple medial condylar fractures (while knee extending in varus position, axial force applied); bicondylar fractures (while knee extending, axial forces applied); posterior condylar fractures (while knee flexing, axial stress applied); and anterior condylar compression fractures (while knee overextending, axial, varus, or valgus forces applied). Thus, in overall preoperative assessment of fracture characteristics and soft tissue problems, this classification system has instructive importance, as well as in guiding clinical management for better functional outcomes.
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