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Restoration of the intravertebral stability in Kümmell’s disease following the treatment of severe postmenopausal osteoporosis by 1-34PTH- A retrospective study

Osteoporosis International Jan 23, 2021

Gou P, Wang Z, Zhao Z, et al. - Kümmell’s disease (KD) patients with severe osteoporosis were applied by the 1-34PTH; researchers retrospectively examined the fracture union and the increased bone mineral density (BMD) following this treatment. Researchers enrolled a total of 21 postmenopausal osteoporosis (PMOP) patients with KD who received at least 6 months of 1-34PTH treatment. They examined medical records, including clinical evaluation symptoms, radiological evaluation for bone union and the stability of intravertebral vacuum cleft, BMD, and laboratory examination for osteoporosis recovery and health-related quality of life. This study’s findings demonstrate that 1-34PTH treatment could alleviate the clinical evaluation symptoms, facilitate the recovery of the intravertebral stability, ameliorate the BMD, and improve the HRQoL in KD patients with severe PMOP.

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