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Residual function effectively controls plasma concentrations of secreted solutes in patients on twice weekly hemodialysis

Journal of the American Society of Nephrology May 12, 2018

Leong SC, et al. - Researchers investigated if plasma concentrations of secreted solutes are as well controlled in patients with residual function on twice weekly hemodialysis as in anuric patients on thrice weekly hemodialysis. Relative to anuric patients on thrice weekly dialysis with the same standard Kt/Vurea, lower hippurate and phenylacetylglutamine concentrations and similar indoxyl sulfate and p-cresol sulfate concentrations were detected in patients on twice weekly hemodialysis. The observed pattern of solute concentrations was attributed to residual secretory function, as revealed by mathematical modeling. Overall, twice weekly hemodialysis could well-control plasma concentrations of secreted solutes in patients with residual kidney function. The inclusion of this function in dialysis adequacy measures was supported.
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