Reproducibility of the Endometriosis Fertility Index: A prospective inter/intra-rater agreement study
BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Jul 24, 2019
Tomassetti C, et al. - The reproducibility of the EFI (Endometriosis Fertility Index) among women undergoing laparoscopic resection of any rASRM-stage endometriosis was evaluated. In this single-cohort prospective observational study. Collection of details of pre- and per-operative findings was done into a coded research file. Three different raters (expert-1 (C.T.), expert-2 (C.M.), junior (C.B.)) performed EFI-scoring ‘en-bloc'. The sample size needed: 71. For agreement, used definitions were: clinical (scores within the same range: 0-4, 5-6, 7-10) and numerical (difference ≤ 1 EFI-point). Observations revealed a near-to-perfect ‘inter-expert' clinical agreement rate supporting that different raters reproduce EFI reliably. This further strengthens its utility in daily clinical practice for postoperative fertility counselling/management of women with endometriosis.
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