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Repeat renal biopsy improves the Oxford classification-based prediction of immunoglobulin A nephropathy outcome

Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Aug 13, 2020

Jullien P, Laurent B, Berthoux F, et al. - Given that the prognosis of IgA nephropathy (IgAN) is very heterogeneous, researchers assessed the prognostic effect of an Oxford classification-based repeat kidney tissue evaluation to predict end-stage renal disease (ESRD). In this retrospective analysis of patients with biopsy-confirmed primary IgAN who had two renal biopsies, renal biopsies were scored as per the updated Oxford classification. Experts used Cox models to assess the prognostic influence considering the Oxford classification elementary lesions from the first (Model 1) or the second (Model 2) biopsy, adjusted on clinical data at time of re-assessment. This study involved 168 adult patients. The median follow-up span was 18 (range 11–24) years. According to the findings, in patients with IgAN, an improved prediction of ESRD was afforded by both static and dynamic Oxford-based histological assessment offered by a repeat biopsy.

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