Repeat procedures and prescription opioid use after lumbar medial branch nerve radiofrequency ablation in commercially insured patients
The Spine Journal Oct 29, 2019
Starr JB, et al. - In this retrospective cohort analysis of individuals who underwent lumbosacral radiofrequency ablation (RFA, n = 44,936) in MarketScan from 2007 – 2016, experts determined the patterns of repeat RFA utilization and prescription opioid use afterward. In 33.1% of individuals, staged RFAs were done. For 14.6%, 33.5%, and 45.7% of individuals repeat RFAs through 1, 3, and 7 years, respectively, were done. Within 3 years, 12.2% of individuals underwent one repeat RFA, while 13.2% underwent two or more. In 128,310 individuals, following RFA opioid use was analyzed, 32.2% of whom used opioids prior to RFA. About 8.1% of individuals terminated opioids and 6.7% began opioids by 180 days following RFA. Particularly exploring prior RFA opioid users, 24.9% discontinued filling opioid prescriptions 180 days following RFA. Hence, in the commercially insured population, this study outlines utilization rates of repeat RFA, with one-third undergoing repeat RFA within three years. Moreover, in this immediate data, it is designated that lumbosacral RFA is related to decreased filling of opioid prescriptions through 180 days.
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