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Reoperation following vitrectomy for diabetic vitreous hemorrhage with vs without preoperative intravitreal bevacizumab

BMC Ophthalmology Sep 23, 2019

Hu X, et al. - In this retrospective study, researchers compared the reoperation rate with or without preoperative intravitreal bevacizumab (IVB) in patients with vitreous hemorrhage (VH) secondary to proliferative diabetic retinopathy. They divided 280 diabetic VH patients (362 eyes) into a group receiving preoperative IVB and a group not receiving preoperative IVB. Investigators found that there were 17.4% of eyes in the VH group that did not receive preoperative IVB later needed additional vitrectomy. On the other hand, only 7.7% of the eyes in the VH group that received preoperative IVB needed additional vitrectomy. In the tractional retinal detachment (TRD) group, there were 45.5% of eyes that did not receive preoperative IVB had no reoperation, whereas in the TRD group, only 21.4% of the eyes that received preoperative IVB had no reoperation. In patients with VH without TRD, preoperative IVB significantly reduced the rate of re-vitrectomy, but the rate of reoperation in patients with VH combined with TRD increased.
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