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Renal albumin excretion in healthy young adults and its association with mortality risk in the US population

Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Aug 10, 2018

Chong J, et al. - Researchers studied distributions of albumin:creatinine ratio (ACR) and fractional excretion of albumin (FEalb) in healthy young adults (ages 20–40 years, without cardiovascular disease [CVD] or risk factors), via a national population sample (NHANES III), to ascertain the threshold for mortality risk prediction in the whole adult population sample across ACR/FEalb categories corresponding to quartiles for healthy young adults. They identified an optimal range of albumin excretion (ACR < 6 mg/g and 4 mg/g for women and men, respectively) based on the mortality risk in the whole adult population. However, this range includes only half of even apparently healthy young US adults.

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