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Remplissage with Bankart repair in anterior shoulder instability: A systematic review of the clinical and cadaveric literature

Arthroscopy Apr 09, 2019

Alkaduhimi H, et al. - Via performing a literature search in PubMed and Embase, researchers compared the clinical and biomechanical outcomes of an arthroscopic Bankart repair alone with an arthroscopic Bankart repair combined with remplissage. Thirteen studies were included and their overall quality was very low to low. All reported lower recurrence rates and most showed better shoulder function following a Bankart repair with remplissage vs an isolated Bankart repair among clinical studies. The return-to-sport rates were predominantly similar, whereas the loss of motion range was often higher following a Bankart repair with remplissage. Overall, the investigators suggested that adding a remplissage procedure to a Bankart repair to managing small to medium Hill-Sachs lesions could help to reduce the risk of recurrent instability and improve shoulder function without increasing the risk of complications.
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