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Removal of protein-bound uremic toxins by liposome-supported peritoneal dialysis

Peritoneal Dialysis International Nov 28, 2019

Shi Y, et al. - In view of the fact that peritoneal dialysis (PD) poorly clears protein-bound uremic toxins (PBUTs), researchers attempted to improve PBUT removal in PD by adding a binder to the peritoneal dialysate. They assessed whether liposome-supported PD (LSPD) has feasibility and effectiveness to increase the removal of PBUTs vs albumin PD. They assessed the elimination of p-cresyl sulfate, indoxyl sulfate, and indole-3-acetic acid in an in vitro PD model employing artificial plasma preloaded with test solutes. Then, 24 male Sprague-Dawley rats were subjected to 5/6 nephrectomy and fed for 16 weeks to confirm end-stage renal failure, thereafter, they received treatment with either conventional glucose-based PD, albumin-based PD, or liposome-based PD. An enhanced PBUT removal could be efficiently achieved by supplementing conventional glucose-based PD solutions with a binder. In this preliminary study, LSPD was suggested to likely afford a promising alternative to albumin PD for enhancing PBUT removal in the development of next-generation PD solutions for PD patients.
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