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Relationships between menopausal symptoms, sense of coherence, coping strategies, and quality of life

Menopause Jul 16, 2019

Ngai FW - The relationships between menopausal symptoms, sense of coherence (SOC), coping strategies, and quality of life were investigated, and the mediating effects of SOC and coping strategies on the relationships between menopausal symptoms and quality of life were tested among 201 Chinese women (aged 40 to 60 years) during menopausal transition. The researcher observed the poorer quality of life in correlation to menopausal symptoms and identified the mediating effects of both SOC and maladaptive coping on the correlation of menopausal symptoms with quality of life. The adverse effects of menopausal symptoms on quality of life might be reduced in correlation to SOC and possibly be aggravated in correlation to maladaptive coping strategies. New insights were thus gained regarding the significance of acknowledging SOC and coping strategies and their interactions with menopausal symptoms and quality of life in the state of menopausal transition.
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