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Relationship of serum magnesium level with body composition and survival in hemodialysis patients

Hemodialysis International Dec 11, 2019

Mizuiri S, Nishizawa Y, Yamashita K, et al. - Among 215 consecutive maintenance hemodialysis (HD) patients, researchers investigated if serum magnesium (Mg) has any relation to body composition parameters or survival. At baseline, laboratory data were obtained and postdialysis body composition was assessed. They categorized patients depending on baseline serum Mg level tertiles (low, medium, and high Mg groups). They performed Kaplan–Meier survival, logistic regression analyses and Cox proportional hazard analyses. For the low (n = 67), middle (n = 76), and high (n = 72) Mg groups, the serum Mg levels were found to be < 2.3, 2.3–2.5, and > 2.5 mg/dL, respectively. Findings revealed the link of hypomagnesemia with lower body cell mass index, more pronounced overhydration/extracellular water ratio and poorer Kaplan–Meier 3-year cumulative survival, but hypomagnesemia was not an independent risk factor for death in HD patients.
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