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Relationship between serum apolipoproteins levels and retinopathy risk in subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus

Acta Diabetologica Apr 11, 2018

Zhang Q, et al. - Among a 10-year prospective type 2 diabetic cohort, researchers attempted to identify the correlation between the risk of diabetic retinopathy and the levels of several apolipoproteins and their ratios. It was reported that 315 diabetic patients suffered from diabetic retinopathy and the remaining 708 patients did not. Findings revealed that elevated level of apoAI could serve as a protective factor for diabetic retinopathy. The possible risk factors for this complication were discovered to be increased levels of apoCIII, apoE, apoCIII-to-apoAI and apoE-to-apoAI ratios.
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