Relationship between renal tissues phospholipase A2 receptor and its serum antibody and clinical condition and prognosis of idiopathic membranous nephropathy: A meta-analysis
BMC Nephrology Dec 11, 2019
Dong D, et al. - In this meta-analysis, 18 studies with 1,235 anti-phospholipase A2 receptors (PLA2R) antibody-positive and PLA2R-positive people, and 407 serum anti-PLA2R antibody-negative and PLA2R-negative persons were involved in order to examine the relationship of M-type PLA2R expression and serum anti-PLA2R antibody with the clinical parameters and prognosis of people with idiopathic membranous nephropathy (IMN). No important between-group variation relative to serum albumin, serum creatinine, eGFR, 24-h urine protein, remission rate, and adverse events was noted. Moreover, the adverse event rate was not influenced by serum anti-PLA2R antibody titer. Thus, in comparison with PLA2R, serum anti-PLA2R antibody was more closely associated with IMN disease progression.
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