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Relationship between pulmonary function and thoracic morphology in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: A new index, the “apical vertebra deviation ratio”, as a predictive factor for pulmonary function impairment

Spine Jan 06, 2021

Deng Z, Luo M, Zhou Q, et al. - A retrospective study was performed to evaluate the association between thoracic morphology (TM) and pulmonary function (PF) in patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) and the feasibility of the “apical vertebra deviation ratio (AVDR)” as a predictor of PF impairment. Researchers obtained preoperative PF and radiographic examination data of 108 patients with thoracic AIS. They examined the correlation coefficient between PF and TM measurements, and univariable and multivariable linear regressions were applied to ascertain if the TM measurements could prognosticate PF. The results of this study demonstrated that the two novels, two-dimensional TM measurements, CAD and AVDR, can be applied as moderate to strong predictors of PF outcome in statistical terms. An AVDR > 0.2 implies that the individuals may suffer from moderate or severe PF damage.

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